Food culture, History of gastronomy, Food science, Molecular gastronomy, Gastronomy and sociology, Education of gastronomy, Gastronomy tourism, Intangible heritage, Culinary innovations, Gastronomy and Destination Marketing, Gastronomy and Activities, Gastronomy and Consumer behavior, Gastronomy and Food safety, Gastronomy and Industry, Gastronomy and Social media, , Culinary arts, Gastronomy and E-Sports, Gastronomy and Economics, Gastronomy and Culture, Gastronomy and History, Gastronomy and Travel agents, Gastronomy and Ethics, New Trends in Gastronomy, Gastronomic studies, Gastronomy and Agriculture, Other areas related to gastronomy,
Obesity, Diabetes, Nutrition in Pregnancy, Child Feeding, Nutri genetics, Nutrition in Chronic Diseases, Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants, Phytotherapy, Probiotics, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Food Hygiene, Food Safety, Applications of Nanotechnology in Nutrition, Health Transferred from Tradition to Future in Turkish Cuisine, Healthy Meal Planning Principles with Functional Foods, Chia Seeds and Health, Turmeric and Health, Current Approaches to Obesity Treatment, Hormones Associated with Obesity, Bariatric Nursing, Obesity and Microbiota, Nutrient Supports in Body Weight Control, Weight Management and Vinegar, Breast Milk and Supplementary Nutrition, Phenylketonuria and Nutrition, Celiac and Nutrition, Nutrition in Childhood Obesity, Autism and Nutrition, Epilepsy and Ketogenic Diets, The Impact of Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids on Performance, Sports Dietetician in Sports Clubs and Federations, The Effect of Food on Performance, Energy Requirement Determination Methods, The Effect of Technology Usage on Weight Control and Nutrition Information, Herbal Sterols / Stanoland Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetic Medical Nutrition Therapy, Carbohydrate Count, Gestational Diabetes and Nutrition, Diabetics, Insulin Resistance and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Nutrient Insulin Index nutrition and other issues related to dietetics and etc.